President’s Update, Colin Thomas
Thank you to the members who attended the 2022 Annual General Meeting in person or via zoom. Thank you also for the show of support to me as President and to the other Directors who were elected.
I particularly thank Peter Crawshaw for his nomination and subsequent election to the Secretary’s position. Lynda Summers had previously filled this role, as well as that of Treasurer, which was a totally unrealistic expectation of her. Lynda, as she always does, just got on with the job. Thank you, Lynda, for your contribution to the Society during the transition from the former Committee to the new national Board in both the Secretary’s and the Treasurer’s role which you retain. Your level of commitment to the Society and support to me as President has been absolutely outstanding! Thanks also to Robert Hannan and Peter Crawshaw for making the wonderful Rothwell Lodge available for the meeting.
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