Richard Batholomew Smith's Wunderkammer, Andrew Montana
Sir Donald Bradman and Withersfield, Christine E Jackson
Eureka and Victoria's chair of state, Robert La Nauze
The Australiana Society's Tasmanian tour 2015, Judy & Ian Higson
Book Review: Dorothy Erickson, ‘Inspired by Light’, Eva Czernis-Ryl
Book Review: John Maynard, ‘True Light and Shade’, John Ramsland
Book Review: Robert Purdie, ‘Narrative of the Wreck of HMS Porpoise’, Paul Donnelly
Book Review: David Kelly, ‘Convict and Free’, John Wade
President's Report, Jim Bertouch
Treasurer's Report, Andrew Morris
The Peter Walker Fine Art Writing Award 2014 Judge's Report, Elizabeth Ellis
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